The Master Display can also send alarm messages by e-mail, by Short Message Service (SMS) to a mobile telephone, by fax, and to a printer for a local record of events as they occur. The device has an integral graphic display along with a number of operating keys and indicators that present data to the user in a standard or customized way to view and acknowledge alarms, display historical trend data and to override the operation of the monitored equipment. The Master Display monitors and interacts with a network of Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) controllers to form a complete building or equipment control system and provides operating data to local and remote users and operators via a number of different media options. MD20 Master Display The Master Display (MD20) is a supervisory controller of the Facility Explorer system. FX CommPro Lon monitors and downloads using the LON protocol when the FX06 is equipped with a LON communication module and the PC running FX CommPro has a LonWorks interface card and driver or an external LON converter module.Product Bulletin MD20 Master Display Issue Date July 18, 2006 FX CommPro N2 monitors and downloads using the N2 Open protocol when the FX06 is equipped with an N2 Open or RS232C communication module.